Moving your old drives to your new QNAP for easy data recovery.

Jan 17, 2024

Certainly! Here is the grammatically corrected version:

“Hey everybody, thanks for checking out our channel today. My name is Peter Jobes, and we have a great topic for you today. We have a real-world situation where we have a QNAP TS-251, and my wife reported that it had a very loud fan noise happening. When I came to check it out, the fan was going crazy, and I did some tests on it, determining that the motherboard is most likely dead in this QNAP.

For today, what we’re going to be doing is exploring how easy it is to take the hard drives out of this TS-251 and move them to a TS-253E. So let’s get started on it today.

Okay, so I’m going to show you what the lights are on this when it boots up. It never gives us a beep when it posts, so it never shows up on the network, and it never actually boots up. You can see right here that there’s a blue LAN light, a green USB light, a red hard drive light, and two other faint red hard drive lights. I don’t think the power button even works here. So when this happened, I determined it has a dead motherboard.

I finally turned it off. What we’re going to do is unbox the TS-253E, move the drives over, and then boot the new one up. We’ll take a look at it on QNAP Cloud and see it come up and see what’s on it.

Here’s what we’re going to replace the QNAP with. This is a brand new TS-253E. It is very similar, a two-bay with an Intel processor, eight gigs of RAM, and a newer version of the TS-251. Let’s go ahead and unbox it.

Take the hard drives out of the old TS-251, keeping them in the same order of slot number one and slot number two. They have four small screws, and we want to make sure to keep them in the same order. Now, we’re going to put these into the new TS-253E.

Just four screws on each drive, and let’s grab our power to boot this up. That’s the post; we’re already in better shape than we were just a minute ago. I’m going to get an Ethernet cable.

Let me show you the back of this and what ports we have. Two Ethernet ports, two USB 2s, one USB 3, and two HDMI. All green lights so far. Power is green; our hard drives are spinning and flashing.

Let’s give it a minute to boot, and we’ll check the network to see if we can see it coming up by its IP address. I’m going to get logged in. It already has our name on it. RAID is checking the data integrity of all RAID fives. Let’s go ahead and look at our control panel and into our users.

Awesome, our users are already in here. The file system is not clean; I’ll say remind me later. It looks like it came up with our users. Let’s go to our file station. We’ve got our photos; everything is here. This is awesome; here’s all our data. Let’s go take a look at the system, storage, two disks in here, both of them good, four terabytes each. Our volume is using 1.39 terabytes, and that’s it.

We’ve got it back up and running. We’ve got an IP address, logged in, same usernames, same data. We’re rocking and rolling. That was a success. We successfully moved our hard drives from the dead QNAP to a brand new QNAP. This is one of the reasons why I love to use QNAPs; they make it easy in situations like this. This had a lot of data on it that I wanted to keep, and I was nervous that I had lost it. This was a great test for us to take the hard drives, move them into a new one, boot it up, and we’re back up and running.

I wanted to share that with you. If you ever come across this situation, maybe now you know what to do. If you like this video, give us a thumbs up. If it’s happened to you, leave us the comments down below. We’ll see you next time. Thanks for checking it out.”

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